“... that they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me.”
John 17:21
Over the years, vtONE has held onto the prayers of Jesus in John 17, and His desire pushes us forward to see Virginia Tech’s campus full of life in Christ through unity in His Church.
To promote unity in the body of Christ at Virginia Tech and empower each ministry by facilitating inter-ministry prayer, worship, fellowship and service.
To see the revival of faith through unity in Jesus Christ at Virginia Tech and in the New River Valley.
We are a movement to help bring unity among believers of the Virginia Tech and Blacksburg communities. Historically we host an event each spring to provide a space for students and staff from all campus ministries and local churches to come together to worship, pray, and fellowship as one body in Christ. Our intention in all things is to promote unity of the body, and we are working towards expanding beyond a yearly event.
Statement of Faith
vtONE affirms the central truths of the Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and more recently, the Lausanne Covenant. The core values expressed in these creeds are the foundation for which we unite as believers from various denominations and backgrounds through times of inter-ministry prayer, worship, and outreach on the Virginia Tech campus.
Want more?
We’re looking for ministry representatives to join our team, we’d love for that to be you